Pardon our dust! We’re still sprucing up this space and not all pages are finished yet.

How Are ADHD and Mouth Breathing Connected?

Is your child a noisy sleeper? Do they snore or grind their teeth at night? If so, they could be mouth breathing (whereas the natural way of breathing is through the nose). Mouth breathing once in a while is okay, but consistent mouth breathing in a child can cause both physical and mental development issues […]

Signs of Sleep-Disordered Breathing in Kids

Sleep-related breathing disorders have a tendency to fly under the radar – especially in kids. We see our children get frequent nosebleeds, nasal congestion, and even bags under their eyes, but we tend to chalk it up to allergies or a rough night of sleep. When those conditions are accompanied by snoring at night or […]

What Is the Best Sleep Position for Breathing?

The position that your body is in during sleep can have a big effect on the airway’s posture and your ability to breathe throughout the night. It is normal to use different positions during sleep, but some are better than others. One study showed across a large population of sleepers, 54.1% of total time in […]

Is Sleep-Disordered Breathing the Same As Sleep Apnea?

Did you wake up feeling well-rested every day this week? If yes, yay! If not, you may be one of the 30% of Americans who struggle with a sleep-related breathing disorder. There are various types of sleep-related breathing disorders – some more common and some more complex than others. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is one of […]

What Happens During a Virtual Airway Assessment?

There have been tremendous advancements in telehealth appointments over the past few years, and access to airway and sleep professionals is now easier than it’s ever been before. For those suffering from restless sleep, constant fatigue, chronic headaches, and other sleep-related breathing disorder symptoms, help is one virtual airway assessment away. Rather than physically visiting […]

I’m Getting Enough Sleep. Why Don’t I Feel Well-Rested?

Sleep is the time when your body slows down to work on improving and maintaining overall health and well-being. If you are waking up tired or asking yourself, “Why don’t I feel well-rested?” in the morning, it’s time to look at the quantity and quality of your sleep. Here’s an overview of how much sleep […]

My Jaw Is Popping and Clicking – Should I Be Worried?

It started as an annoying popping sound and maybe now it is accompanied by pain. What do you do when your jaw is popping and clicking? Should you call a dentist? It depends on what is causing the popping, whether there is pain and how long you’ve had the problem. Learn more about how to […]

What’s the Proper Function of an Airway: Pediatric vs. Adult

Our airway is one of the most critical parts of our body, as it allows us to breathe in oxygen. When our airway is working correctly, we thrive. When our airway is blocked or obstructed, however, it can wreak havoc on our overall health. An understanding of how the airway works, as well as how […]

Why Is My Mouth Dry When I Wake Up?

Do you have problems with a dry mouth in the morning? Many people think of waking feeling parched as just being part of the normal sleep cycle, but that may not be the case. If you find you wake up with a dry mouth in the morning, it could mean you have xerostomia. Known as […]

Sleep and Airway Assessments: Everything You Need to Know

Restless sleep, constant fatigue, chronic headaches and migraines…sound familiar? If so, breathing may be at the root of the issue. Sleep and breathing both have enormous impacts on your entire overall health. When one or the other is compromised, your overall health can take a major toll. Through sleep studies and sleep therapy, you can […]