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Better Together

Drs. Meggie and Liz, brought together by fate, discovered a common commitment to airway health. That lightbulb moment laid the foundation for Untethered Airway Health Centers where they realized that together, they could achieve so much more.
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Comprehensive Care at Its Heart

What makes Untethered Airway Health Centers so special? It’s the collaboration between Dr. Meggie Graham and Dr. Liz Turner, seamlessly merging dental, airway and overall health expertise. Rooted in their belief in comprehensive care, they’re breaking down barriers between dentistry and medicine, creating a new standard for airway healthcare.

Tailored Care for Every Stage

What makes Untethered Airway Health Centers so special? It’s the collaboration between Dr. Meggie Graham and Dr. Liz Turner, seamlessly merging dental, airway and overall health expertise. Rooted in their belief in comprehensive care, they’re breaking down barriers between dentistry and medicine, creating a new standard for airway healthcare.

Putting You at the Center: Patient-Centric Care

What makes Untethered Airway Health Centers so special? It’s the collaboration between Dr. Meggie Graham and Dr. Liz Turner, seamlessly merging dental, airway and overall health expertise. Rooted in their belief in comprehensive care, they’re breaking down barriers between dentistry and medicine, creating a new standard for airway healthcare.

Seeing the Big Picture: A 30,000-Foot View

What makes Untethered Airway Health Centers so special? It’s the collaboration between Dr. Meggie Graham and Dr. Liz Turner, seamlessly merging dental, airway and overall health expertise. Rooted in their belief in comprehensive care, they’re breaking down barriers between dentistry and medicine, creating a new standard for airway healthcare.

The Dental Dream Team

Meggie Graham


Dr. Meggie Graham is not your typical dentist; she’s quickly becoming a dynamic force in the emerging field of airway healthcare. With an innate curiosity and a constant quest for knowledge, Dr. Meggie brings a unique vibrancy to her practice. She’s been on both sides of the airway journey. Forever changed by personal experiences with her daughters’ tongue ties, she embarked on a mission to make airway healthcare mainstream.

A graduate of Arizona State and Marquette Dental School, Dr. Meggie is a founding member of AAPMD’s The Endeavor Group and is closely affiliated with the Breathe Institute. Her dedication to educating, preventing, and treating airway health issues, especially in young children, led her to co-found Untethered. Dr. Graham commands a room with a warmth that makes dental experiences positive and engaging (especially for the little ones).

Meggie Graham

Dr. Meggie Graham is not your typical dentist; she’s quickly becoming a dynamic force in the emerging field of airway healthcare. With an innate curiosity and a constant quest for knowledge, Dr. Meggie brings a unique vibrancy to her practice. She’s been on both sides of the airway journey. Forever changed by personal experiences with her daughters’ tongue ties, she embarked on a mission to make airway healthcare mainstream.

A graduate of Arizona State and Marquette Dental School, Dr. Meggie is a founding member of AAPMD’s The Endeavor Group and is closely affiliated with the Breathe Institute. Her dedication to educating, preventing, and treating airway health issues, especially in young children, led her to co-found Untethered. Dr. Graham commands a room with a warmth that makes dental experiences positive and engaging (especially for the little ones).

Liz Turner

Dr. Liz Turner sees oral health as a doorway that opens to overall wellbeing. She has a passion for understanding early childhood development and its impact on long-term health outcomes. Similar to Dr. Meggie, Dr. Liz’s airway journey has been personal. It began with her son’s tethered tongue issues, and deepened when her father-in-law’s undiagnosed sleep apnea caused him serious health problems.

A Colby College and Tufts University School of Dental Medicine graduate, she takes a comprehensive and holistic view of airway health management. Dr. Liz is compassionate and methodical.

She helps patients and parents avoid overwhelm by taking things one step at a time, skillfully breaking down the broader picture into manageable, achievable phases.

Her approach is intimate and consultative.  Her goal is to empower patients with education and information so that they can make informed decisions that align with their preferences and priorities.  As a mama and a daughter, she cares about airway health across all ages.

Corbin Rusteberg

Dr. Corbin Rusteberg attended Marquette University, earning BS and DDS degrees in Marquette’s Dental Scholars fast-track program. He chose to continue his education by spending a year receiving hospital dental training at a level I trauma center in Charlotte, NC. That training included head and neck surgical oncology, emergency and internal medicine as well as working in a comprehensive hospital based dental clinic.

Liz Turner


Dr. Liz Turner sees oral health as a doorway that opens to overall wellbeing. She has a passion for understanding early childhood development and its impact on long-term health outcomes. Similar to Dr. Meggie, Dr. Liz’s airway journey has been personal. It began with her son’s tethered tongue issues, and deepened when her father-in-law’s undiagnosed sleep apnea caused him serious health problems.

A Colby College and Tufts University School of Dental Medicine graduate, she takes a comprehensive and holistic view of airway health management. Dr. Liz is compassionate and methodical.

She helps patients and parents avoid overwhelm by taking things one step at a time, skillfully breaking down the broader picture into manageable, achievable phases.

Her approach is intimate and consultative.  Her goal is to empower patients with education and information so that they can make informed decisions that align with their preferences and priorities.  As a mama and a daughter, she cares about airway health across all ages.

Corbin Rusteberg


Dr. Corbin Rusteberg attended Marquette University, earning BS and DDS degrees in Marquette’s Dental Scholars fast-track program. He chose to continue his education by spending a year receiving hospital dental training at a level I trauma center in Charlotte, NC. That training included head and neck surgical oncology, emergency and internal medicine as well as working in a comprehensive hospital based dental clinic.

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