- Authors: Villa MP, et al.
- Journal: Sleep Breath, 2017
- Key Finding: Myofunctional therapy effectively increases tongue strength and reduces sleep-disordered breathing symptoms in children.
Effect of myofunctional therapy on children with obstructive sleep apnea: a meta-analysis
- Authors: Bandyopadhyay A, et al.
- Journal: Sleep Med, 2020
- Key Finding: Systematic review demonstrates significant improvements in pediatric OSA symptoms following myofunctional therapy.
Effects of oropharyngeal exercises on patients with moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
- Authors: Guimaraes K, et al.
- Journal: Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2009
- Key Finding: Oropharyngeal exercises significantly reduce OSA severity and symptoms in adults.
- Authors: Suzuki H, et al.
- Journal: J Prosthodont Res, 2013
- Key Finding: Oral myofunctional therapy improves breathing patterns during sleep.
Myofunctional Therapy to Treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
- Authors: Camacho M, et al.
- Journal: Sleep, 2015
- Key Finding: Meta-analysis confirms effectiveness of myofunctional therapy in reducing AHI and improving oxygen saturation.
- Authors: Hsu B, et al.
- Journal: J Clin Sleep Med, 2020
- Key Finding: Respiratory muscle training provides significant benefits for OSA patients.
- Authors: Prado DGDA, et al.
- Journal: J Appl Oral Sci, 2018
- Key Finding: Myofunctional therapy enhances outcomes after orthognathic surgery through improved muscle function.
Tongue pressure measurement in children with mouth-breathing behaviour
- Authors: Azevedo N, et al.
- Journal: J Oral Rehabil, 2018
- Key Finding: Mouth-breathing children show reduced tongue pressure, which can be improved through targeted therapy.
Reduced tongue mobility: an unrecognized risk factor of childhood obstructive sleep apnea
- Authors: Yuen H, et al.
- Journal: Sleep, 2022
- Key Finding: Limited tongue mobility significantly contributes to pediatric OSA, suggesting importance of myofunctional intervention.
Lingual frenuloplasty with myofunctional therapy: Exploring safety and efficacy in 348 cases
- Authors: Zaghi S, et al.
- Journal: Laryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngol, 2019
- Key Finding: Combined surgical and myofunctional approach shows high success rates in treating restricted tongue mobility.