Neurocognitive Consequences in Children with Sleep Disordered Breathing: Who Is at Risk?
- Authors: Brockmann PE, Gozal D
- Journal: Children (Basel), 2022
- Key Finding: Identified specific risk factors for cognitive impairment in children with sleep-disordered breathing, emphasizing importance of early intervention.
Neurobehavioral morbidity of pediatric mild sleep-disordered breathing and obstructive sleep apnea
- Authors: Yu, Phoebe, et al.
- Journal: Sleep, 2022
- Key Finding: Even mild sleep-disordered breathing can impact neurobehavioral outcomes in children, suggesting need for early assessment and treatment.
Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Orofacial Growth, and Prevention of Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Authors: Guilleminault C, et al.
- Journal: Sleep Med Clin, 2019
- Key Finding: Early intervention in pediatric sleep-disordered breathing can prevent development of OSA and promote proper orofacial growth.
Health outcomes associated with improvement in mouth breathing in children with OSA
- Authors: Bandyopadhyay A, Slaven JE
- Journal: Sleep Breath, 2021
- Key Finding: Improving mouth breathing patterns in children with OSA leads to significant improvements in overall health outcomes.
Childhood OSA is an independent determinant of blood pressure in adulthood
- Authors: Chan K, et al.
- Journal: Thorax, 2020
- Key Finding: Childhood OSA significantly impacts long-term cardiovascular health, with increased risk of hypertension in adulthood.
- Authors: Durr M, et al.
- Journal: Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2012
- Key Finding: Drug-induced sleep endoscopy effectively identifies persistent airway obstruction sites in children with residual symptoms after adenotonsillectomy.
- Authors: Vlahandonis A, et al.
- Journal: Sleep Med, 2013
- Key Finding: Long-term follow-up shows persistence of sleep-disordered breathing symptoms in many children, emphasizing need for ongoing monitoring.
Persistence of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in children after adenotonsillectomy
- Authors: Tauman R, et al.
- Journal: J Pediatr, 2006
- Key Finding: Significant number of children continue to have OSA after adenotonsillectomy, suggesting need for comprehensive treatment approach.
- Authors: Yang M, et al.
- Journal: Am J Rhinol Allergy, 2016
- Key Finding: Treatment of allergic rhinitis can improve ADHD-related symptoms, indicating connection between airway issues and behavioral problems.
ADD & ADHD in Children: The Answer is Right in Their Nose
- Authors: Catalano PJ, Walker J
- Journal: Am J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 2018
- Key Finding: Highlights the significant relationship between nasal breathing problems and attention deficit disorders in children.