Pardon our dust! We’re still sprucing up this space and not all pages are finished yet.

Can An Airway Specialist Or Dentist Identify Sleep Apnea?

The short answer is YES, your dentist CAN identify and screen for sleep apnea, but NO, your dentist cannot diagnosis the disease! And it is our obligation to do so! In 2017 the American Dental Association stated that ALL DENTISTS should be screening for sleep related breathing disorders. We take this screening very seriously as […]

Can TMJ Pain Be Fixed Without Surgery?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects your mandible (lower jaw) to your skull. The joint can be found on both sides of your head in front of your ears. It allows your jaw to open and close, letting you speak and eat. While anyone can get a TMJ disorder, women are more […]

Why Haven’t I Heard About Myofunctional Therapy?

Myo exercises, forward head posture, tongue thrust, tongue-ties, sleep-related breathing disorders, airway development  – they’re all words that are becoming more popular within the health, sleep, and breathing space. What do they have in common? They’re all related to myofunctional therapy and the proper function of the tongue, lips, mouth, and airway. Don’t worry if […]

When Should Tonsils Be Removed?

When you or a child is not sleeping well, has chronic allergies, presents with hyperactivity, and also has had a few tonsil infections, the tonsils may be impacting the ability to breathe. Medically, the threshold for recommending a tonsillectomy is 7 infections during a year. However, for those who have less than that number and […]

Heart Rate Variability and Your Well-Being

The obsession with taking care of oneself and our own personal health is growing every day, and we love it! With smart devices now capable of tracking important health markers, technology is making it easier and easier to stay in-tune with our bodies. From identifying red flags to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we have insight […]

Undiagnosed Sleep Apnea: It’s More Common Than You Think

A long sleep should mean a well-rested you, right? Right! But what if you get the full eight hours and still feel tired? You may be experiencing some sort of a sleep disorder or sleep-disordered breathing such as obstructive sleep apnea. It’s common, underdiagnosed, and dangerous when left untreated. Here’s more about undiagnosed sleep apnea […]

How Do You Swallow The Correct Way?

When you’re staring in the face of a big, juicy burger, you probably aren’t thinking about the way you swallow. Your body will swallow as it always has, no questions asked. However, if you’re swallowing abnormally, you’re causing much unwanted strain on your facial muscles. If that’s the case, even a minor change to the […]

How Does a Tongue-Tie Happen?

The tongue is one of the most important parts of the body. It helps us eat, chew, drink, kiss, swallow, talk, and more. From early fetal development through childhood, the tongue continues to form and strengthen. Sometimes, however, a tongue-tie will form and fail to detach, which hinders the ability to function and also restricts […]

The Connection Between Breastfeeding and Jaw Development

Breastfeeding has tons of benefits. One major, oftentimes overlooked benefit is its effect on the development of an infant’s jaw. It all starts with the tongue. The tongue is an essential piece of the body that shapes the  airway. The position of your infant’s tongue and the strength it receives from breastfeeding plays a huge […]

Mouth Breathing and Your Child

Nothing on this earth is more peaceful than a sleeping child. Even though their body is at rest, a child’s mind is at work. Sleep is vital to the growth and development of every child. When that sleep is disrupted by things such as snoring or gasping throughout the night, it can leave your little […]