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Combining Myofunctional Therapy with Orthodontic Care

Are you seeking the key to a healthier, happier, and more confident smile? If you’re in Lakewood, CO, or anywhere else in the world (thanks to virtual appointments), you’re in luck! Untethered Airway Health Center has a solution that goes beyond traditional orthodontics. It’s called “myofunctional therapy,” and it’s a game-changer when it comes to achieving optimal oral health. In this blog post, we’ll explore what myofunctional therapy is and why combining myofunctional therapy with orthodontic care can work together to transform your smile.

What is Myofunctional Therapy?

This specialized therapy focuses on the muscles of the face and mouth, aiming to correct improper oral muscle function. It’s a non-invasive, drug-free approach that can address a wide range of issues related to breathing, swallowing, and facial development.

The goal of myofunctional therapy is to improve the harmony between oral muscles, leading to better breathing, speech, and overall oral health. It’s an exciting field that has gained recognition for its role in promoting better sleep, eliminating orofacial pain, and enhancing the results of orthodontic treatments.

Reasons Someone May Need Myofunctional Therapy

Wondering if myofunctional therapy is right for you or your loved one? Here are some common reasons why someone might benefit from this therapy:

  1. Breathing Problems: Myofunctional therapy can help individuals who struggle with breathing issues, such as snoring, sleep apnea, or chronic nasal congestion. By strengthening the muscles involved in proper breathing, it can lead to improved airflow and better sleep quality.
  2. Orthodontic Concerns: If you or your child are undergoing orthodontic treatment, myofunctional therapy can complement the process. It can address issues like improper tongue posture, which may interfere with the effectiveness of braces or aligners, or put you at higher risk for orthodontic relapse.
  3. Speech and Swallowing Difficulties: Some individuals experience difficulties with speech and swallowing due to improper muscle function. Myofunctional therapy can target these issues, leading to clearer speech and more efficient swallowing.
  4. Jaw Pain and TMJ Disorders: If you suffer from temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders or chronic jaw pain, myofunctional therapy can help alleviate discomfort by improving the coordination and strength of the orofacial muscles.
  5. Facial Aesthetics: Beyond health concerns, myofunctional therapy can also have aesthetic benefits. It can enhance facial muscle tone, leading to a more balanced and attractive appearance.

How does Myofunctional Orthodontics work?

Now that we understand what myofunctional therapy is and why someone might need it, let’s explore how it works alongside orthodontic care.

Combining Myofunctional Therapy with Orthodontic Care can Be An Alternative to Braces

Orthodontic treatments like braces and clear aligners are fantastic for straightening teeth and creating a beautiful smile. However, they primarily focus on the positioning of teeth within the jaw. Myofunctional orthodontics takes a broader approach by addressing the underlying causes of misalignment, which often involve muscle function.

Imagine braces as the architects of your smile, shaping and aligning your teeth. Myofunctional therapy, on the other hand, serves as the engineers, ensuring that the foundation (your oral muscles) is strong and stable. Here’s how it works in tandem with orthodontic care:

  1. Muscle Training: Myofunctional therapy involves exercises and techniques that train your oral muscles to function correctly. This includes improving tongue posture, swallowing patterns, and proper breathing. These exercises can complement orthodontic treatments by creating an ideal environment for tooth movement.
  2. Retention and Stability: Once your braces or aligners have done their job, the last thing you want is for your teeth to shift back to their original positions. Myofunctional therapy can help maintain the results by ensuring your oral muscles support the new alignment.
  3. Improved Bite: Proper muscle function is essential for achieving a well-balanced bite. Myofunctional orthodontics can contribute to a healthier bite, reducing the risk of future dental problems.
  4. Enhanced Comfort: When your oral muscles are functioning correctly, it can alleviate discomfort associated with orthodontic treatments. You’ll likely experience fewer headaches, jaw pain, and other side effects.

Myofunctional therapy is a remarkable tool for improving oral health and overall well-being. By addressing the root causes of oral health issues and combining myofunctional therapy with orthodontic care, myofunctional orthodontics can pave the way to a more beautiful, confident, and healthier smile.

Schedule a Consultation

Ready to explore the benefits of myofunctional therapy and its synergy with orthodontic care? Schedule a consultation with Untethered Airway Health Center! Whether you’re in Lakewood, CO, or miles away, we’re here to provide the guidance and support you need on your path to a healthier, happier smile. 

Don’t hesitate – take the first step toward a brighter future today!

Want to learn more about sleep and airway health? Check out our Ultimate Guide to Sleep-Related Breathing Disorders.

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